Misty sitting in her favourite colours | Misty's Story
Misty is a Yorkshire Terrier who came to us from a dog rescue centre in the Highlands of Scotland. The local vet had been asked to terminate her life due to a seemingly chronic skin problem. Misty had been prescribed steroids and antibiotics to try and cure this problem. Margo and I thought that we could help her to overcome the skin sores.
When she arrived 12 months ago, we knew little of her history except that she had been mated with a Cocker Spaniel and had puppies by caesarean delivery. She came with a supply of prescription food, special shampoos, creams and medication, all of which appeared to have little effect. Because she had so little hair on her body, going outside in the cold and rain was a problem for her so we bought warm and weatherproof jackets for her comfort. |
We felt our first task was to clear her of the previous diet and medication in order to create a new holistic regime which involved using Healing With Colour filters. Specific colours clear the systems of poisons and debris that create the imbalances in the body. We used Lemon, Violet, Purple, Green, Yellow and Orange. But not necessarily in that order as the higher vibrational colours were used to calm the traumas she suffered. Misty responded well to colour for a few months and especially liked lying under Lemon which has so many benefits. |
Not a happy girl with black legs.
We left her with friends for a few weeks as we were scheduled to go abroad for Colour Healing teaching. When we returned, her condition appeared to be deteriorating and her skin was becoming black with large folds near the joints of the legs and underbelly. Could stress have been the cause of this and the original skin disorder, or was it eczema, dermatitis, hypothyroidism, renal problems, vaccine damage or allergies. She was bathed with a mite shampoo almost every day. |
We started again at square one and kept her constantly under the colour lamp as often as she would accept it. (Dogs know when they have had enough colours for the moment and return when more is needed or a different colour is required.)
The biting and scratching got so severe that she took most of the skin and hair away from her feet, both back and front leaving bare flesh. She also did this with her sides by scratching and biting the hair and skin. The mites had got into her ears and we used natural powders to remove them which worked extremely well The photographs show the devastation that had occurred to her body. |
Chewed paws with sores and no hair.
Sad girl, scratched all hair from her side. | The colour healing calmed her generally but it was not working quick enough to stop the biting and scratching which could have become a habit if a new situation caused her stress or a feeling of abandonment.
A friend had experience with a natural skin cream especially for itchy dogs. It came with high praise so we tried it on Misty with remarkable results. Within a week the scratching and biting subsided to almost nothing. The black folds of skin started to turn grey and the swelling subsided. Misty was calmer and very happy to lie under the Lemon colour, which normalised all her body systems. |
The healing process is still ongoing and Misty, who we now know is approximately eight and a half years old, is now wagging her tail much more frequently and generally performing all her guarding and warning duties. Her health and happiness is beyond anything we expected and she has had no drugs throughout the healing period. A bath now and again is enjoyed and she now allows the dog groomer to do the normal clipping that a Yorkshire Terrier requires. |
From black to pink skin:
Before After |
Her skin condition has returned to normal. No black sagging parts and the majority of it is now pink. As you can see from the latest photographs the hair is changing colour to a ginger hue and black under hair is forming on the saddle region. Colour treatment is now continuing. |
March 2014
Today, Misty came away from the vet after a check-up and was given a clean bill of health.
Preventive Healing With Colour will be given occasionally which will assist any further improvements that can be made. |
New black hair on my sides...!
I've got ginger hair on my chest now...! |
Lots of new hair to keep me warm...! |
They call me an Angel now...! |
Misty in December 2016 with a new undercoat and lots of hair. |